

The configurator component helps to define plot definitions based on the metadata of a dataframe. Different configuration parts like Filter, Transform or Plotter are combined in a single accordion component.

The metadata is used to compute the available parameters after data transformations and newly available colums are adjusted automatically.


# new Configurator()

import dash_express_components as dxc
import as px

meta = dxc.get_meta(


Type Definitions

# propTypes

Name Type Description
id string

The ID used to identify this component in Dash callbacks.

meta Object

The metadata the plotter selection is based on.

config Object

The resulting configuration of the plot.

currentConfig Object

The current configuration of the plot.

showFilter boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Filter panel

showTransform boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Transform panel

showPlotter boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Plot panel

showMetadata boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Metadata panel

showParameterization boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Parameterization panel

showStore boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the Store panel

showUpdate boolean

Prop to define the visibility of the update plot button


Dash-assigned callback that should be called to report property changes to Dash, to make them available for callbacks.